Friday, July 5, 2013

back carry in the ring sling

Since receiving my Sakura Bloom slings and finally being able to do a successful back carry with them, I've had a lot of requests to post a video tutorial! I finally worked up the courage and made one. For some reason, I've used the back carry a lot recently so it's beginning to become easier and easier with every go. The video's a little bit sloppy but I think it shows the method I use fairly well. In the end, baby should be a little more snug against your body but Odin was pretty fascinated with the ceiling and wouldn't put his head down. But, I'll stop making excuses and show you the video. Enjoy!


  1. I absolutely love this, Michelle! <3 <3

  2. That is so darn clever! I've never back carried in a sling, I might have to give it a go.

    1. I'll post some more photos this week, we actually went for a walk with him in the back carry and it was actually much nicer than I thought it would be!

  3. I find your blogs wonderfully charming. I am so happy that your life has become everything you wanted:-)

    1. Thank you! <3 I didn't know you kept a blog! I'm definitely going to be sure to follow.

  4. You're so cute! I love the baby back carry in a ring sling. :-)

    1. Ahhhh! Thank you! I was so nervous about posting that video! And yeah, once you get it down, it's pretty comfortable!

  5. Hi Michelle! Loved watching this video - I read everything in an Australian accent so was funny to hear your real voice! I don't know if I'm confident to do it without my pixie Saffron falling out but might have to give it a go! Lucy (motherwho) x
