Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mom style.


I'm not really all that stylish in my opinion. I love mixing clashing patterns. Stripes and polka dots? Done it. Floral and paisley? All the time. Black? Lots of it. Tops and shorts that look like me Nana's table-top doilies? FAVORITE! Basically, I wouldn't say I'm all that stylish, but I wear what I like and I don't really care either way.

I feel like after becoming a mumma, it's been hard for me to maintain the way I used to dress. A lot of my favorite dresses have been in the back of my closet for almost two years now. A lot of the dresses I fall in love with online, I can't buy. Why? Accessibility. I love being a breastfeeding mother but sometimes it really gets in the way, luckily only in the way of things that don't really matter. I tried to not care in the beginning and would wear my favorite dresses with some shorts underneath so I could just pull the whole thing up to nurse. That's a lot of fabric on Odin's face and he and I were not fans of it. It's funny to shop for clothes online and think "can I easily expose myself? No... Can't get that one!" It's not really something I took into consideration until it happened! 

If I could wear black tights and mini dresses every single day, I would. I mean, I used to. In college- black tights every single day. And I lived in Florida! I'm a fan of the 60's and all things associated. My friend Megan is always rocking her 60's style and I'm often pretty envious. Recently, I've found that I really want to start dressing the way I used to again so I've been trying to compromise. Button-up dresses are a recent favorite. I've also always dressed a little frumpy so I think that provides a fairly accessible wardrobe. More floral (I'm about to buy a floral overall dress online, I'm so stoked), more stripes, more black, more paisley, more polka dots. Oh, and lots of plaid! 

Sakura Bloom slings make it pretty easy to want to get cute too. I always get excited to match my sling to my outfit. Is that silly? I love it!

This post is a little ridiculous. Zak took cute photos of us this morning and I wanted to share. Also, since making some extra money this week I've been stalking online clothing stores so these things have been on my mind. I'm not stylish, I'm well aware, but I think I definitely have my own style. 


  1. Style, and 'stylish' is just a matter of opinion anyway - who's to say what's 'stylish' really is? You always look gorgeous : ) I agree about the breastfeeding/clothes dilemma - takes some thinking! : ))

    1. Yes! I know, it's superficial and I never really think about it.. But it's funny how your style changes when you become a mumma!

  2. I love your style, I thinks it suits your personality ( well what I imagine your personality would be like in real life not just my Love your doc boots!!! I did some d.i.y on some cute dresses with skinny straps, I like cut the straps and added some of like the clasp bits on breastfeeding bras so I could undo and do it back up again kinda thing. It worked pretty well

    1. That idea about the dresses is GENIUS!!! I'm definitely going to do that! Thank you!!

  3. Ohhh I hear you on the dresses! I am *such* a dress person, flowy lovely dresses... but way impractical with breastfeeding. And I have pretty much spent the last trillion years either breastfeeding or being pregnant soo.
    FWIW I think you have an awesome style! I *would* classify you as stylish. You have a very earthy/grunge/hippy kinda vibe to you that I get from the way you dress :) Not silly to want to match your sling to your outfit either. I do that (when I have the energy haha) with my wraps. It's fun!

    1. Ahh! Thank you so much!! That means a lot! I think about it and the fact that I'd like to be pregnant within the next year.. We don't want the babes to be tooooo far apart. But that means another few years of dressing differently than I used to. But I guess I should just accept it!
