Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Years!

We rang in 2013 with lots of fireworks, friends, and family. Odin took a fairly long nap and was awake and outside for midnight. He was his papa's first kiss in 2013 and my second. The fireworks were loud but he still loved them. 

Happy 2013, everyone! I'm still working on my new year's resolution, but it'll definitely involve making more, buying less, and avoiding stress as much as possible. I'm happy with where I am in my little spot in life and know exactly what I need to do to grow happier. I hope this coming year is filled with music, dance, art, and laughter- even more so than any year before it. 2012 was definitely a roller coaster of a year but was definitely a year that will always be one of my favorites. 

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