Saturday, December 7, 2013

Thanksgiving in Maine

For Thanksgiving, I was able to meet the family on Zak's dad's side in Maine. I completely fell in love with the whole bunch and we've already made plans to visit again in June. The weather was brisk until the morning we left, when it decided to warm up a bit. I'm eager to come back in June and really adventure, it will be a bit warmer and there won't be hunters and their guns reminding us of their presence every few moments as their shotguns echo through the woods. Odin immediately fell in love too especially with Zak's cousin Patrick (who previously swore off kids all together according to his mum). They hit it off very well and spent most of the holiday together. We stayed with Susan and Neil at their beautiful home. I was completely filled with gratitude. As much as I miss being with my family during the holidays, being with such a loving extended family is just as fulfilling. I loved seeing Zak with his cousins, some which he hadn't seen for almost 5 years! We played games, watched the Lady Gaga/Muppets Holiday Extravaganza (it was Odin's choice), and drank beer and tea and wine together. 

Our drive home was quite the adventure, but I'm choosing not to reflect on it and just remember the ridiculously pleasant time spent at Susan's lovely home. If you follow on IG, I'm sure you already know of those woes. 

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